A universal law of nature is the law of vibration.
The law of vibration states that: “Everything in the universe moves, vibrates and moves in a circular pattern. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, emotions, desires and wills in the Etheric world. Every sound, thing and even thought has its own unique vibrational frequency.” From the book The Light Shall Set You Free.
Vibrational energy resonates with vibrational energy similar to the saying “like attracts like”.
In simple terms, when it comes to our thoughts, emotions and actions, negativity has a low vibrational frequency and positivity has a high vibrational frequency and you attract what you give.
Elevating Your Emotions
The energy released from your thoughts, feelings and words determines your vibrational frequency.
You can get to know yourself a little more by asking yourself the following questions.
Are you positive? Are you open? Are you harmonious, forgiving, loving, accepting?
These are all qualities that will help you raise your energy.
It is also all about how you feel. If you don't FEEL good at the same time, it is not enough to just think positive thoughts. Your thoughts and feelings must be in harmony.
You can't just smile and repeat loving words if you don't also feel the love behind what you are saying.
It's all about energy. And for anything to be really effective, you have to be consistent with it and do it regularly.
Raising your vibration is not a one-time, finished job.
Raising your vibration is a choice you have to make every moment. To be a “vibration of love” is to choose love as much as you can instead of hate, anger and judgment.
But the more you make this choice, the higher your positive energy will be, which will allow you to have more love vibration in general.
And know that it's okay to feel inner pain, anger, fear, anxiety, loneliness, frustration and worthlessness from time to time, and the important thing is not to not feel these emotions, the important thing is not to let them exaggerate their welcome. .
But if you focus on constantly radiating high energy, you will experience negative emotions less and less :)
Here is how to raise your energy and become conscious of a balanced life.
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